Yeshiva University Final Grade Calculator
This tool will estimate the grade that you need on a final exam to achieve a desired course grade. You need to know your current course grade to use this tool. If
you don’t know your current course grade, use the YU Grade Calculator.
Current Grade %:
Desired Grade:
Final Worth %:
Grade Needed on Final: ()
You need to earn at least (that’s an ) on your final to reach an overall course grade of .
✨ Uloop Pro-Tip: Check out the Tutors Category to discover tutors near your college or online.
How to Use the Final Grade Calculator
1. Enter your current grade as a percentage in the Current Grade % field and the percentage or letter course grade you want to earn in the Desired Grade field 2. Enter your final exam’s value toward your course grade as a percentage in Final Worth %
3. Click Calculate
Current Grade %
In the Current Grade % field, enter your current course grade. If you need help calculating this number, use the YU Grade Calculator.
Desired Grade
If you are targeting a specific course grade as a percentage, enter your target grade percentage in Desired Grade. If you are targeting a letter grade, enter your target letter grade instead.
Final Worth %
In Final Worth %, enter how much your final exam counts as toward your course grade as a percentage. If you don’t know this number, check your course syllabus.
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